The Cambridge University African Students Mentorship Programme (CAMP), formally known as the ASCU Mentorship Programme is an initiative owned and organised by the African Society of Cambridge University that aims to provide general guidance and support on the postgraduate application process for Africans applying to the University of Cambridge. CAMP is the first University of Cambridge African students-led institutionalized mentorship programme for Africans, that provides financial support for application fees as needed. The structured programme will be run from August 2023 to December 2023 and will include one-to-one mentorship support with a matched member of the university. Further support will be provided for mentees with successful Cambridge applications.

About CAMP

Why CAMP Exists

The main aim of CAMP is to increase the application and success rate of African postgraduate applicants coming to Cambridge. We found that African students only make up about 2% of the full-time new entrant international student population enrolled at Cambridge. African applicants face multiple barriers to entry such as:

  • Knowledge gap about important aspects of the Cambridge application

  • Difficulty in obtaining strong reference letters

  • High cost of application fees and English language proficiency test fees

ASCU has proposed a structured mentorship programme to provide general guidance and support on the application process for applicants from Africa. CAMP would provide:

  • General session webinars to discuss tips on how to identify and contact a supervisor, and how to write strong personal statements and research proposals

  • One-to-one mentorship support with a matched Cambridge student, alum or staff member

  • Financial support for application fees for mentees with demonstrated hardship

How CAMP Works

CAMP consists of a blend of monthly general session webinars to discuss requirements and tips for the application process, along with weekly one-to-one mentorship support sessions to address the personal needs of each applicant.

The general sessions will cover the following topics:

  1. Overview of the Cambridge postgraduate application process

  2. Advice on requesting references

  3. Tips for contacting supervisors

  4. Applications for scholarships and funding

  5. CV and personal statement writing tips

  6. Project proposal writing tips

  7. General Q&A about applications and Cambridge life

All general sessions and mentoring sessions will be held online.

For Mentors

Are you passionate about diversity and inclusion at the University of Cambridge? Do you enjoy mentoring? Would you like to drive forward real change for under-represented groups in postgraduate study? CAMP offers you a special opportunity to do just that.

CAMP Mentor Responsibilities

As a mentor, you will be paired with a mentee ideally applying to a similar field. We will be recruiting mentees from diverse backgrounds with varying needs therefore, it is crucial that you have enough time to dedicate to the programme. You are advised to volunteer at least an hour each week to provide one-to-one support to your mentee(s). Other responsibilities include:

  • Attending an introductory training session in early August

  • Supporting, advising and guiding mentees on the Cambridge application process

  • Advising on contacting referees and potential supervisors

  • Reviewing and providing feedback on the written aspects of the application such as the CV, personal statement and project proposals

  • Reviewing and providing feedback on funding applications

  • Providing a mock interview if the first stage of the application is successful

  • Helping to build your mentee’s confidence in themselves and their abilities

  • Keeping track of mentee’s progress

Camp Mentor Requirements

Must be a postgraduate student (MPhil & PhD), post-doctoral researcher, postgraduate alumnus or academic staff at the University of Cambridge.

Sign up to become a CAMP mentor.

Deadline: July 25th

For Mentees

Are you an African applying for a postgraduate degree at the University of Cambridge for the 2024 intake? Would you appreciate guidance and support on the application process? CAMP is providing expert advice on the application process and one-to-one support for free. You will be paired with a current or former member of the university in a similar field as you.

Benefits of CAMP

  • Free resources for completing all steps of the application process - contacting supervisors, references, CVs, personal statements, project proposals and funding

  • Weekly one-to-one support and feedback sessions on your application from people who have gone through the exact same process

  • Mock interviews

  • Limited need-based financial support covering the application fee

  • Progress reports to keep you on track

  • Information on Cambridge life

  • A network of inspiring students from all over the continent


  1. Must be from the African continent and/or the African diaspora.

  2. Must exhibit academic excellence

Women, people living in conflict zones in Africa and persons living with disability are encouraged to apply

The application for the program is divided into four sections - personal details, academic background and research experience, financial information and other information. A copy of your resume/CV is required.

Apply to CAMP

Deadline: July 25th

Learn more about the programme


For more information please contact

Many thanks to our sponsors for their financial contributions to the programme: